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Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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Beaded edge tyres

Started by Ian, 24 Oct 2005 at 01:37

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Does anyone know of a supplier in Australia of reasonably priced 26x3 beaded edge tyres ?

Dirt Track

G'day Ian
Try the Vintage Motor Cycle Club of Australia (NSW)....Graeme should be able to organise for you if you are not a member.
We have been bringing in 26x3 and 26x2 1/2x2 1/4 BE tyres for donkeys years....not sure of the current price.
They are made in Nippon somewhere by Mr Washingmachine....or at least that's what the late Jack Borrowdale used to call them.
The other supplier is Ken Blake's son-in-law Brisbane who advertises in the rear of Just Bikes and sells tyres made by the same Mr Washingmachine under the brand name of ENSIGN...again not sure of the price.
I bought some white button tread COKER 26x3's from Antique Tyre Supply a few years ago at half price (about $350 the pair) and they are going on my 1924 FN M60 Sport.
I have been told that British made Dunlop's are very hard to get at the moment?



Thanks Howard, I am in the VMC - but they can't get 26x3 at the moment. Will try to guy in Just Bikes. I have called Antique Tyre Supplies - the Cokers are about $320 each at the moment !! Dunlops about $500 if you can get them.

Story with the VMC supplier is that they will only do a minimum run of 1000 - bit much for the VMC.

BTW what size tube do you use in them ? Is it 20" ?

Daren W Australia

Hi I tried to buy some from the club 12 months ago via Eric none available so changed to WM3 well base rims Regards Daren
too many dougli not enough time!


Howard, couldn't find the ad in Just Bikes - has he advertised recently ?

Dirt Track

I was unaware the VMCC had problems with the 26x3's.
I suggest you get onto Ron Farthing's website and email him for Ken's son-in-law's details....he used to advertise in Just Bikes some time ago....I know Ken and Shirley are coming out in April.
If all else fails I would have a new pair available...but I would need to have them replaced at some stage...far better you get the newer pair yourself!
Seems funny that they need such a large number for a new many Douglas owners need a pair? Donkeys years ago the Sydney club used to order a hundred tyres and split it with the Melbourne club....I wonder if all the Vintage and Hysterical clubs would all need 50 or so each?


Quote from: Daren W Australia on 25 Oct 2005 at 13:03
Hi I tried to buy some from the club 12 months ago via Eric none available so changed to WM3 well base rims Regards Daren

WM3 would be too big Daren - the 26x3 BE rim is not that wide. You would be better off using a WM2, or even a WM1


Quote from: Ian on 24 Oct 2005 at 01:37
Does anyone know of a supplier in Australia of reasonably priced 26x3 beaded edge tyres ?

Dear Ian
Steve and I have just been through a fairly extensive search for 26 x 3 just prior to the Dubbo Rally - the EW had newies on. The result was negative except for the single (fairly expensive) source eventually used as we had run out of time. On recent trips to Japan, Indonesia and China, I had only been able to source 26 x 2 1/2 but I have not finished yet (despite business associates thinking I had a fetish for tyres and handcarts). I know for certain that 26 x 3 are made in Vietnam (and at least previously in Japan) and I have contacts in these countries currently checking for manufacturer.
best Regards


Thanks derek. Did you have the Simplex ones ? How did they go ?


It appears that I have two choices for the OC. The Simplex is a diamond type tread and the Ensign is a copy of the Dunlop twin block tread. Similar price. Would the OC originally have used the Dunlop style ?

Dirt Track


What are the different tyres worth?
And what is their availablity?


Not sure what brand tyres the OC used originally, but looking at the 1927 OC catalog show a coarse button tread.  Also seen in other catalog illustrations, such as the 1924 OW/OB models. 

Starting in 1926 in the EW catalog, and also still seen in the 1930 catalog is a Huchinson tyre, the tread of which was block, made up of an endless procession of capital 'H'. 



Thanks Doug.

Howard, they are not cheap - from Antique Tyres the Coker button are approx $300 (but are not suggested for use on bitumen !!), the Simplex are $305 and the Ensign are $322. You can get the Dunlops but they are approaching $500 !!


The Simplex look like they have a tread that would lend itself to leaning around corners! I would be interested to know the durability of them on the road. If the Ensign are a direct copy of the Dunlop, they should be pretty hard and last more than a few miles - our experience with the Okada tyres on the OB.
Cheers, Graeme