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Douglas Racers in Spain

Started by Hutch, 07 Oct 2022 at 03:05

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Yep....pretty obvious when you think about it :-).....especially compared to the picture of Sagrario, Whalley and Mateos AFTER the event!




Sent you a PM - unrelated to this topic.




I don't have 100% confirmation of the rider in todays picture but I think it is Baltasar Santos on a 350cc TT model. If so he was a DNF in the races at the Levante Circuit in 1925. Hard to see the number but might be 6? (but could be quite wrong ! :-) ). I'm looking for an entry list to check.

Picture supplied by Javier and is from Auto-Moto 1925.




Quote from: Hutch on 12 Jan 2023 at 22:49
On 28th December 1924 Baltasar Santos set a 350cc Spanish National Motorcycle record at Peña Rhin, ......

I missed this picture supplied by Javier of Baltasar Santos with the 350cc Douglas Sidecar which set the record as mentioned above. From Heraldo Deportiva 15 January 1925.




From Madrid Automovil issue 6 (second picture)and 11 (first picture) 1925, we have these identical pictures of Z. Mateos.



A picture (Edit - Supposedly) of Z. Mateos (Edit:- But is it actually Sagrario ?) taken from what appears to be a similar (same?) location to the one in Reply #1 of this thread, from Madrid Automovil and Aeronautica 15 May 1925.



Not sure the date of this picture but it is of Pablo Aixela in a regularity trial at Cataluna in 1925. Picture from Auto-Moto and supplied by Javier. Looks like Pablo is on a TS Douglas going by what appears to be a stirrup front brake (?).

That pretty much is the end of the pictures for 1925. I think the location of the pictures in reply #64 of Naure (second picture) and #91 of Whalley are very near Alto del Leon. I found this stone wall on a similar curve on Google Maps. Although the wall has been curved to suit the modern road there is evidence that it may have been straighter in the past (when looking at the corner from above). Not 100% sure but nearest I have found so far ! :-)




We are now up to the start of 1926 and sort of back where we started in the original post of this thread!

Quote from: Hutch on 07 Oct 2022 at 03:05
Douglas Racers in Spain
To kick things off we have a group picture of the Douglas team and their machines at Subida a las Perdices

Today we have the same picture of  Santos,  Sagrario , Z. Mateos, del Bustro and Naure (plus possibly Canto in the chair?) this time from Gran Vida January 1926 and also the corresponding advertisement from Douglas agent Quinones from the same edition.


Edit: Colour picture of Advert from Gran Vida 1 1926 added, supplied by Javier


Three pictures of Duggies on Subida a la Cuesta De Las Perdices in 1926. These are from Heraldo Deportiva 5th Feb 1926.




Also from the same edition of Heraldo Deportiva as in the previous post we have Mateos on his "RA" and Naure with his OB outfit.



Quote from: cardan on 07 Oct 2022 at 08:50
Very interesting, and very weird!


And what, for goodness' sake, is the bike being watched by the guys up the tree? It looks a bit RA-ish, but the motor is sitting extremely high in the frame, unlike a standard RA where most of the engine lies below axle height. Could it be an S1/S2 minus its gearbox? With RA bits added? Or has someone over-retouched the photo? Mystery to me.





Maybe mystery partly answered?! :-). Looks like I made a bo-boo on the date of the picture in Reply #2 - oops. It turns out this is from 30 Jan 1926 !. So Mateos's Douglas is the one shown in my previous post. It looks like a 750cc engined OB with RA wheels and brakes?? Maybe no sump so gap between lower frame rails and ground appears to be large compared to RA or TT frame?  - not sure. Will see if we can find more pictures of it.




Quote from: Hutch on 05 Jul 2023 at 04:07
It looks like a 750cc engined OB with RA wheels and brakes??

Or something like that. It's hard to comment when you can't quite make things out in the photo, for example is the gearbox on the engine or the frame? I don't think the frame is RA or TT. It's weird that they raced such highly non-standard bikes in Spain - it didn't happen out here in Australia.



Yes Leon, no good pictures that we can look at to work out what is going on with the Mateos machine unfortunately.

I have not had much spare time lately but when I did have a spare moment, I found I had just enough information to take a stab at comparing the OB from 1924 and the RA24 frame designs (would be nice to compare to later RA models as well etc but this is all I have for a decent comparison at present).

I tried to draw the pictures as accurately as I could from the information I had. From what I can ascertain, from other information collated from a few sources, the essential (for the purpose of these comparisons) dimensions of the head clip, steering stem, fork shackles and forks of the OB and RA24 are more or less identical - therefore I made them the same (so comparing apples with apples). I have placed the axle of the rear wheel of each machine on the same vertical axis.

(Note - some will know there are two fork types for the OB one for solo, which is the one I used, and other one is for sidecar work which has less trail.)

In all the drawings the OB is in Blue and the RA24 in red (I hope this doesn't cause too much problem for those of us who are colour blind!). To help, I have repeated some of the drawings with the RA in front of the OB rather than the other way around so the differences may stand out better.

As the relative merits of the top tube design of each model, from an aesthetic and engineering perspective is often a topic of discussion I have removed them! :-).

I used nominal diameters for the wheel sizes - yes I know that in real life they are not exactly what is written on the sidewall, but I think it will do for this comparison. So 26"x3" for the OB and 28"x 2 1/2" for the RA28. (If anyone has better info on what was actually used in 1925-26 I can redo the drawings).

First up we have the OB on 26" wheels compared to the RA24 on 28" wheels. Much what we would expect. The OB has 27.5 degree rake and RA24 has 25.5 degree rake - quite modern and respectable for a touring and a sporting bike respectively. The OB has slightly longer wheelbase and the centre lines of the engines (indicated by the "bulls eyes" of them at their rearmost position) are very close. The RA has a sump and gearbox mounted a little lower than the OB (with its higher and larger fuel / oil tank) so I would suspect the OB has a higher centre of gravity than the RA24, but probably not much in it? The trail of the front wheel of the OB and RA are reasonably similar.


Next we have what happens when you put 28" wheels on an OB. Obviously the steering rake angles are different and the wheelbase of the OB is still more than the RA - but in some ways they are maybe not that dissimilar. One big difference is that the OB now has quite a higher centre of gravity compared to the RA24. Would this have been a problem for Mateos on hill climbs without sharp corners? Maybe not....I don't know.

So an OB with 28" wheels may have been a cheap option for this application, especially if all the RA's were seemingly going to Australia!?

I have added a "sump" to the RA24. I don't know the exact dimensions, so just put it in roughly to indicate how putting 28" wheels on an OB makes it look like there is a lot of space under the engine compared to the RA24 with a sump.


Last one (sorry to hi-jack my own thread with things other than period pictures and information of Spanish racers! :-) ).

I have knowledge of two OB's in Australia that have spent some time at the speedway in their life. These particular frames have both  been modified by extending the front down tubes and seat post tubes by about 1" or possibly more. I had an idea why this might have been done but thought I would do the drawing just to see.....and interestingly, on 28" wheels the OB now comes out remarkably similar the RA24, albeit with 27.5 degree rake rather than 25.5 degrees, so slightly less sharp turn in? Engine centre line restored to original position. The downside of the conversion of the OB's is that the chains stays (lower ones in particular) will end up with a big kink in them due to the angles of the original OB lugs - it does not look pretty and not quite how I have drawn the rear of the modified OB.

Have not seen this modification on any Spanish Machines so might have been an Australian only thing?

(If anyone has any additional information on frame dimensions etc or notes any errors I've made - please let me know! :-) )

Anyway enough side-tracking and back to real pictures again soon!




I have been trying to work out the original route of the Cuesta de las Perdices hillclimb which started at the Puerto de Hirro (Iron Gate).

This has proven to be more difficult than I thought . There has been a more modern deviation to avoid the Puente de S. Fernando bridge and the building of the Hippodrome de la Zarzuela (Designed in 1930's - in an advanced state in 1936 but opening was delayed by Spanish civil war until 1941) has obscured where the road went. Also the roads around Puetro de Hirro have changed greatly since the 1920's. The only early map I have found so far is this one showing the proposed deviation (which appears to be approximately where the current road ascends Cuesta de la Perdices.

I think the original route crossed the S.Fernando bridge before ascending via a route which is approximately where the Hippodrome is today. Will investigate further but information appears to be scarce.




In April 1926 Gran Vida ran this advert from Quinones. It appears not much racing activity worth reporting since the Cuesta de las Perdices successes for Douglas.

(somehow Santo's appears to have been dropped from the results! Maybe didn't look good if a 350cc beat a 750cc??)




On 8th May 1926  Peña Motorista held a Kilometro Lanzado event in Madrid with Vicente Naure, Alfonso Herrero and Antonio Isasi winning their respective classes.

Picture from Gran Vida May 1926. (from

(EDIT: Altered the picture to one supplied by Javier as it is better quality than the archive one)

Vicente on the left, Herrero in the middle and Isasi on the right.



As usual we have the Quinones full page advert announcing the achievements of Douglas machines in this event along with one from way back in January 1926!

From Gran Vida May 1926 (from



Douglas also performed well at the race on the Alcorcón-Móstoles-Villaviciosa road circuit organised by the Real Moto Club de España.

Gonzales, Naure, Sagrario, along with Zacarias Mateo's brother Inocentio (competing against Naure in the sidecars) all doing well in this event.

Picture from Gran Vida May 1926 (picture supplied by Javier)



I did a little digging into the Cuesta de las Perdices and found that the slope up towards Dehesa de la Villa was possibly also sometimes called "Cuesta de las Perdices" and that in the late 1920's there were hillclimbs from Puerto de Hirro to Dehesa de la Villa (note the start to the road to Dehesa de la Villa in the above map) - so more digging to do!

I ran into some issues with pictures from the ABC newspaper archives with regards to the Alcorcón-Móstoles-Villaviciosa race so to speed things up until I can sort that out, some can be found at this website;

The first picture shows one of the solo starting grids and if they are lined up 1,2,3 first row and 4,5,6 on the second then Gonzales (number 6) would appear to be the rider with the white helmet in the second row. Also a picture of Naure (seen before in this thread in reply #68 but from Gran Vida)

Shell placed this full page advertisement in Madrid Auto-Movil June 1926 (from



Fredrico Segario finished 2nd to Laureano Gonzales in the Spanish Championship on the Alcorcón-Móstoles-Villaviciosa road circuit - about 6km less over the duration of the event. He also set the fastest lap time.

(Picture supplied by Javier from Libro de oro del motociclismo espanol)



Also supplied by Javier (from Libro de oro del motociclismo espanol) are the following pictures of Gonzales at speed and a general shot of competitors - unfortunately not a good picture so difficult to identify individual riders.



From Heraldo Deportiva 5 6 1926 (from ) we have these pictures of Gonzalez and Naure during the Alcorcón-Móstoles-Villaviciosa race.



Again in Gran Vida we have the June edition full page advertisement from the Douglas agent (from announcing the achievements of Douglas machines and riders in the event.



Another two pictures supplied by Javier (from Libro de oro del motociclismo espano). First one of Naure on the TT outfit rather than the "OB" based machine and Naure and Gonzalez (RA Douglas) after the event. I will have to look into who was Naure's passenger in this event.



The two Spanish motorcycle champions for 1926 Naure (sidecars) and Gonzalez (Solo) (from Madrid Auto Movil June 1926 (from



This is the last picture i have found so far, of Douglas bikes racing at the Alcorcón-Móstoles-Villaviciosa road circuit in May 1926. It is from Madrid Auto-Movil 6 1926 (from . Some of the pictures in the photo-montage we have seen before, or at least very similar ones.

Zacarias Mateos was a DNF for this event - going out on the second lap - but he made up for that with a fine result in the next event - The 12 Hour race at Guadarrama - Navacerrada Road Circuit held on 27th June 1926. Also entered in this event mounted on Douglas machine were Baltasar Santos (500cc solo), Laureano Gonzales (500cc solo), Fredrico Sagrario (500cc solo), Vicente Naure (600cc Sidecar) and Inocentcio Mateos (600cc Sidecar) - a big turn out for Equipo Douglas.



In the 12 hour race at Guadarrama - Navacerrada, Z. Mateos finished first outright - quite an achievement in what must have been a tough race.

Photo montage from Madrid Auto-Movil 7 1926 (from Unfortunately the rest of the Douglas competitors retired from this event. So maybe not quite the result Quinones was hoping for.



The Douglas agent still made the most of it with the usual full page advert in Gran Vida ! - the July edition in 1926 in this case.

(picture from



Some portraits of competitors in the 12 Hour race at Guadarrama - Navacerrada from La Nacion Madrid 26 6 1926 (from

Sagrario was out after a spectacular crash after possibly taking a wrong turn (?). He suffered severe concussion but was potentially saved by his helmet.

Gonzalez also crashed - potentially due to mechanical failure but that may have also been due to the crash. he suffered a broken arm.

Naure was out due to two issues. He was first delayed an hour due to clutch failure which had to be replaced, he returned to the race
and fought back, but was out later due to a broken drive to the oil pump.

Inocencio Mateos was out due to the frame breaking in two on the forth lap.

Not sure what happened to Santos.

...such are the fortunes of motor racing....

Although not identified in the article I think the picture of the outfit from La Libertad 29 6 1926 (from is of Naure (pushing in after clutch failure or getting away after fixing it?? no idea unfortunately. Pity the picture isn't better quality). EDIT Having a closer look at the front forks and chair of this outfit I don't think it is Naure's sidecar but could possibly be that of Mateos? I think these were the only two Douglas Sidecar entries in this event but will check.



This picture rounds out all I have found so far for Douglii entered in the 12 hour race at Guadarrama - Navacerrada for 1926.

Unfortunately not a good one, but is of Z. Mateos from La Voz 28 6 1926 (from



A kilometre sprint race was held by the Moto Club de Andalucía at Seville in July 1926. Edit: Oooops Big Error from me as this event was in 1927 not 1926 I had the picture in the wrong folder and did not check it - silly me!.  I have removed the text and picture and will put it in the correct chronological order later in this thread



In mid September 1926 some motorcycle events were added into the cycling events at the Ciudad Lineal Velodrome in Madrid. One of these was for the Velocette Cup but it appears Baltasar Santos was in an (a series of ?) elimination races for a "trophy of the aces" against Jose Alafont. I presume Alafont was riding a Velocette, as he appears in other events riding a 350cc but I could be wrong. Details are a little sketchy but it appears Santos won this challenge. Not sure the capacity of the Douglas Santos was riding but it may have been also 350cc?

Picture from Madrid Automovil 9 1926 (from



Douglas also competed in a couple of other events during September 1926 - a kilometre sprint at Cuenca in which yet again Zacarias Mateos and Vicente Naure performed well and another event at Terramar Autodrome, but on this occasion  Naure, Mateos  and sagrario were well outpaced by the Nortons of Vidal and Macayo.

Information and one very poor picture at Terramar (...your guess as to who the riders are!) from Madrid Automovil 10 1926.



Sadly, we come to the event which I believe signifies a turning point in the fortunes of Equipo Douglas in Spanish Motorcycle Racing during the 1920's.

Another event at the  Alcorcon – Mostoles – Villaviciosa circuit was held on 24th October 1926. The duration was two 6 hour events with the "Expert" competitors in the first event and the "amateurs" in the second. Each lap of the circuit was approximately 17.4km in length.

Before the event there was a lot of rain causing some flooding of the course and road conditions not ideal. Some competitors decided to withdraw their entry.

Equipo Douglas consisted of Zacarias Mateos, Baltasar Santos, Fredrico Sagrario, Laureano Gonzalez, Vicente Naure (Sidecar), Inocencio Mateos (RA Sidecar) and his passenger Ernesto Sanchez. Ernesto was a last minute substitute after Mateos's original passenger was not allowed to compete (I think due to lack of permission from their guardian). It appears Ernesto was possibly not an experienced sidecar passenger.

In the first 6 hour event, Zacarias took the lead early, but lost time due to a puncture and Sagrario took the lead until it was regained again by Zacarias. Inocencio was challenging Naure for the lead in the sidecar class. During the 8th lap Inocencio lost control of his machine and it crashed heavily into trees  also overturning. Sanchez was killed instantly. Inocencio survived the crash but had a broken femur and internal injuries. He sadly succumbed to his injuries later that day.

Equipo Douglas withdrew from the even as news of the terrible accident reached them. Other competitors also withdrew. The event was shortened to 14 laps but continued. Only 4 motorcycle finished, all Velocettes with Jose Alafont claimed overall victory.

Some of the press of the day sensationalised this tragic event and published pictures of the crashed Douglas RA outfit. Out of respect I have chosen not to show them in this thread. For those wishing to inspect them (not for the squimish – warning- images of deceased persons) they can be found in Neuvo Mundo 29 10 1926 and Mundo Grifico 27 10 1926 (search

There was some conjecture as to the cause of the accident, some said that the sidecar lost its wheel (due to a broken axle) and that precipitated Inocencio Mateos to lose control on what was a straight section of road that could normally be taken at speed. Naure thought otherwise, that the accident was possibly caused by a burst rear tyre and was compelled to write a letter to the press explaining his theories. I have included a copy of this letter from Madrid Automovil 11 1926 (from

It was reported in La Libertad 27 10 1926 ( that over 2000 people attended Inocencio and Ernseto's funeral to give their respects. A memorial in their honour was proposed by Jorge Ibanez and a public subscription was organised by the "Auto" (Madrid Automovil??). I have not found out if such a memorial was ever erected at the crash site The accident happened about 16km into lap 8, one report says 1km from Alcorcon and in another that it occurred "near" Mostoles. I have not found the exact location yet but will do some more research into this. Unfortunately, modern urban sprawl may have obliterated any evidence.

Obviously, the whole tragic event cast a sombre mood over everyone. (EDIT) After this event there appears to be only one more style of full page advertisement from Quinones  – placed in  starting from Gran Vida  in November 1926. Understandably just a summary of what he is involved with (– quite a bit it appears – more on this in a later post).

Possibly the writing was already on the wall for the fortunes of the racing Douglii due to what was going on with the supply of the EW's from the factory (at the expense of all other things) and lack of factory support and spares were potentially hampering the ability of Euipo Douglas to keep their machines running reliably in the arduous Spanish road racing events?  I have not seen any response to this accident from the Douglas Factory - but I will look into this further.

As we will see, things are quiet for Douglas racing motorcycles in Spain for quite a few years.

Motor racing is dangerous and motorcycle road racing is probably one of its most dangerous genres - the road surface is unpredictable, the course difficult to learn and master in the limited, if any, time period available and the scenery is unfortunately usually immovable....

RIP Inocencio and Ernesto.


Google translations of above images.


Many thanks Dave!,

I was going to post the translations this morning (as I ran out of time yesterday due to work commitments) but you beat me to it :-)

The Google translations don't come out 100% correctly but near enough to get the gist of what has occurred ( I cannot speak or read Spanish so have relied heavily on Javier and Google translate for help putting this thread together - I do know a few more Spanish words now tho'!)




The last race for 1926 which included Douglas motorcycles appears to be a series of match races organised by Peña Rhin between competitors from Castile and Catalunya regions. It was held on December 5th 1926 at Terramar Autodrome. Understandably Zacarias Mateos was not available to attend, but others from Equipo Douglas did. It appears that some Douglas entrants were waiting on the supply of new engines from the factory which did not arrive in time for this event.

Douglas entrants were Naure, Santos, Sagrario and Gonzalez - all in the 500cc class. In the 130km race Naure was out after 17 laps with oil pump problems (caused by the oil pump falling off or grounding out on the track?? Not sure which) but had set the fastest speed (133.3km/h) between lap 5 and 10 and won a trophy presented by Dr Ferrar. The 500cc event was won by Macaya on a Norton followed by Santos, Sagrario and Gonzales. Overall Catalunya won the match but only by a small margin and appears to have been a good event by all accounts.

Interesting to note that it was acknowledge that the Madrid riders were running old and worn out machines that had been punished in the  6 and 12 hour endurance events which we have covered previously.

I have not found any pictures from this event and the information is from Gran Vida 12 1926 (from The original and Google translated article follows.



Quote from: Hutch on 22 Nov 2023 at 02:21

Obviously, the whole tragic event cast a sombre mood over everyone. (EDIT) After this event there appears to be only one more style of full page advertisement from Quinones  – placed in  starting from Gran Vida  in November 1926. Understandably just a summary of what he is involved with (– quite a bit it appears – more on this in a later post).

There was an exhibition of aeronautical technology held in late 1926 (organised by the Real Aero Club) and Quinones had a display there. He was obviously quite busy with these events, and he received a fair amount of coverage in the press. Included were articles and pictures of his operations including magneto production. Although Equipo Douglas operations appeared to be quiet for a little while, Quinones certainly appeared to be busy with promoting his many commercial and manufacturing interests in Spain.

(apologies no pictures of Douglas motorcycles in this post!)

The following "spread" is from Heraldo Deportiva 15 12 1926 (from




...the rest of the article...


Javier has sent me some better quality versions of some pictures that have already been posted earlier in this forum (Thanks Javier!!). The updated posts are as follows;

I didn't realise the Gran Vida Adverts (that are on the rear cover of the magazine) have text in red until I saw these – it really makes "Douglas" stand out.





Thank you very much for this really interesting history of Douglas racing in Spain. It has been a good read and the photos of the racers, machines, locations and enthusiastic crowds are wonderful. I have become more and more interested as the story has unfolded. An excellent piece of work.

One thing in the back of my mind all along has been 'who is Javier?'. I was never quite sure until today when I looked him up and find he is a member of our forum! - Javier Rodríguez - so a big thank-you to Javier too.

I will go through and add a link to his forum profile in a few posts where Javier is mentioned, just so others can quickly look him up too. So if you see a note mentioning I have edited a post here and there, that is the reason.




Thanks for the feedback and hopefully I can keep on providing some interesting reading and pictures for a little while longer. Javier wished to keep a low profile in this thread but was happy to help out with supplying pictures that he had found -so I did not advertise his full identity but I wanted to give him credit for his contribution :-). I was going to do it at the "end" of my contribution to the thread when I will do a summary (along with a short word on how the Spanish / Australian collaboration came about) -  so you beat me to one part of it!




It was reported in Heraldo Deportiva 5 January 1927 that a reliability trial was organised by the Real Moto Club of Catalunya at the end of the previous year. No pictures found of this event but there were two Douglii entered – one by Lorenzo Pons and the other by Pablo Aixelá . Their team won a bronze medal. We have Antonio Ala, whom we have previously seen riding a Douglas was riding an AJS in this event and his team also won a Bronze Medal.

In February 1927 the Cuesta de la Perdices was again held in Madrid.  Equipo Douglas was not present for this event – going by the comments in Gran Vida 12 1926 shown in post # 138 above - with respect to Douglas riders entering the event at Terramar, I would gather that Quinones had suspended operations for a while due to the situations in 1926 or maybe they just did not have serviceable Douglii to be able to enter the event - not sure?

A Douglas outfit was entered in the 600cc Touring Class by Emilo Lopez and came first in class with a new record speed of 82.7 kph. I have no further details or pictures of this machine. (information from Espana Automovil and Aeronautica 15 3 1927 , from

Also during February we see Quinones offering a new Douglas Motorcycle as second prize in a Raffle. Attached is excerpt from of the "Tombola" (from La Publicidad 23 2 1927). I would guess the prize was probably an EW model but I have no further details.



In March 1927 Naure, Sagrario, Santos headed to France for an event at Montlhery Autodrome in Paris on the  14th as part of a celebration of the re-opening of the circuit. They did reasonably well but were outclassed by the Sunbeam (OHC "Crocodile" ?) of the French ace Francisquet. There was a points system in place and overall the results were Francisquet (Sunbeam)  followed by Andreino (Norton). Sagrario (Douglas) and in forth place, Naure (Douglas). Information  from La Nacion 11 3 1927 and 15 3 1927 (from

I have not found any pictures of Equipo Douglas in this event but did find one of Fransciquet on the Sunbeam (sorry its not a Douglas but all I have found so far!). Hard to tell if it is OHC or OHV in the grainy fuzzy picture!. (picture from Le Miroir (Paris) 15 3 1927 from

Mateos was not able to attend this event, supposedly due to military duties.




More on the event at Montlhery from Madrid Automovil 4 1927 (from

Francisquet's Sunbeam  achieved over 163 kph in one event, which I think is probably over 10 kph faster than the best we have seen from a Spanish Douglas rider so far (149 kph by Mateos?) - admittedly mostly different types of events tho?? Possible the Madrid team were still using worn out old bikes - or maybe their new engines had arrived? Not sure.



On 25 March 1927 there was a disastrous fire at the Douglas factory at Kingswood. This is well covered in Clew's "The Best Twin" and other sources on the internet and also in the British Newspaper Archive.

How much impact this had on the Spanish scene is hard to ascertain - were some of Equipo Douglas machines at the factory being refurbished or were they waiting on spare parts / engines etc.? I have not found any information on this, but as a minimum, the fire probably limited supply of new bikes such as EW's to the foreign market, including the Spanish one, for a while?

An event was held at Terramar in April 1927 and Equipo Douglas were back in strength with the return of Zacarias Mateos. It appears L. Gonzalez was entered to ride a Douglas (Not sure which model RA or TT) but he is shown in the result riding a Guzzi. Equipo Douglas consisted of Naure, Mateos, Sagrario and Santos. The peak speeds of the Douglas machines were in excess of 140kph and Naure won the 500cc event over Mateos at an average speed of just over 134kph. Vidal (Norton) third and Gonzalez (Guzzi) was forth.

Naure was on his OB derived machine, with Mateos and Sagrario on RA's (not 100% sure Santos was on a RA but I suspect so). Nice picture of the bikes lined up at the start from Mundo Grafico 16 4 1927 and La Esfera 16 4 1927 (from

Naure is No. 37 and Sagrario No. 36 I have not found out the racing numbers of the other two Douglas Riders yet but will keep looking.



Some pictures of Naure and Mateos in the pits at Terramar April 1927 from Heraldo Deportiva 15 4 1927 and Madrid automovil 5 1927 (from

Is the "OB" of Naure his old sidecar outfit repurposed??



Quote from: Hutch on 12 Dec 2023 at 06:39
I have not found any pictures of Equipo Douglas in this event but did find one of Fransciquet on the Sunbeam (sorry its not a Douglas but all I have found so far!). Hard to tell if it is OHC or OHV in the grainy fuzzy picture!. (picture from Le Miroir (Paris) 15 3 1927 from

Hi Ian,

Francisquet's Sunbeam is a 500 ohv - the rare ohc carried its oil in a sump that protruded from the front of the crankcase, and the bike in the photo seems to be sump-less.

Bob Cordon Champ, who wrote The Sunbeam Motorcycle, said of the successful foreign riders: "A lot of these speed men were well known at the works and the real private owners, as distinct from the importers like Karner and Francisquet, often amazed the impecunious factory staff by the willingness with which they bought the top models of the range. This would have been bad enough but they bought them in twos and threes at a time."

There's a lovely photo of Francisquet on his 1926 Sunbeam racer in Cordon Champ's other Sunbeam book (Illustrated History...) showing it to be a very special machine with the latest 2-port 500 ohv race engine in a split-down-tube frame - a racing "bitsa", but fully up to date unlike some of the Spanish Douglas competition!
