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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
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Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
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2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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EW footboard (rear) brackets

Started by Idler, 21 Nov 2012 at 12:14

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Some time ago when I posted my first entry on this forum I covered about three topics in one and lost focus on this one but I would like to raise it again.

Doug very kindly let me have some photos and drawings of the footboard (rear) brackets for my EW and I am on my way towards making them but am having great difficulty in finding someone to make the 'S' bends from the 7/8" tube. I certainly cannot do it.

Locally, I have tried engineering companies (one of which makes tractor safety cages), a blacksmith and other people who I thought might be able to help. All are adamant they could not make the bends so close together. How did the factory do it all those years ago?

Currently, I am seriously considering cutting (5 pieces) and brazing or welding up to suit. Does anyone have a better solution?
Thanks in anticipation. Rob


The bends in the photo of the other thread show that they are made in a die with a press. The bend radius is way too small as its collapsed the tube which is bad engineering practice and thats most likely why shops today are not equipped to do that work. If you are limited in equipment you could still achieve a good result by hand, the crushed section is easy to do by heating and hammering a smaller diameter bar to flatten it like that. The tight bends could be made from solid bar very easily rather than tubing by just using an oxy torch and a vice. Solid will bend that radius easily. You could get the ends of the bar turned down prior to bending so that they properly fit inside the tubing you use for the main structure, that way you will get a good welded joint that wont break. I don't know what equipment or skills you have but most things can be made with an oxygen acetylene set and a grinder if you really really have to do it.
It seems likely that whatever blacksmith's etc you spoke to were probably avoiding your fiddly job that's all, they should certainty be able to make it, its nothing secret.
Bruce Robertson


Thank you Shrinker, I'll have a think about that. I like your 'can-do' approach, must try harder this end. Regards, Rob


Well, life moves on and I am a little nearer to putting this bike on the road.  :)
Thanks to Doug for the drawings, I have now got the constituent parts together and, if I can attach it I have a photo to show you.
The 'S' bends I had made by a local blacksmith in solid bar. It is just a case of brazing / welding it together. I have also made some new fastening blocks to clamp the bracket under the footboards.
One thing to mention Doug is that the drawings show a slightly larger diameter hole where the brackets fix to the frame (and it is mentioned that this might be a 'stretched' measurement) but I believe they should be 7/8" diam. because the pin through the frame is 7/8" o/d.
So, onward and upward ....



I meant to follow up on this, and forgot. I was was up in the loft and checked my EW frame, and agree it ought to be 7/8 inch. 31/32 is a bit too much clearance.



  just reading this old post...

  the bends in the rear footboard  assembly are actually quite easy to do...I filled a tube with sand banged it down good and solid.....welded a plug in both ends...and heat it to red...and bent it around a couple of 2 inch pipe cutoffs....screwed down to some ply....  took maybe and hour start to finish..  the flat bits ...2 layers of 1/8 flat iron welded together...drill the holes...and trace out the design with a plasma...or..jigsaw...
obviously you need a couple of holes in the pipe to let steam out...


You mention that Doug supplied you with drawings for the rear footboard brackets. I have to make some from scratch and I wonder if you could let me have a copy of them please.?