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Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

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Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
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alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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EW 350 wont start

Started by LBHill, 04 Oct 2014 at 02:27

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Hi all
attempting to start my EW 350,seems to have enough compression
well I feel it has to at least fire it.Seems to have spark which again should be enough
to at least fire it,all valves seem to have clearance,could possibly have an issue on the
intake side of things,any suggestions or tests I could try,maybe a timing issue but lack
of literature doesn't help,look forward to replies.
Regards LBHill


Most common cause after assembly if fuel and spark are present is to have the spark occurring on the cylinder that is not on the compression stroke. Check through the pick-up hole in the magneto that the brass contact on the slip ring of the magneto is facing the cylinder that has both valves closed i.e. clearance on both tappets near top dead centre. Chris.


     As Chris has said - check the timing for firing on the correct cylinder. BTH mags are normally set up so that the points are at about 9 o'clock when firing on the front cylinder and 3 o'clock for the rear cylinder. Setting the mag to fire at about 35 degrees before TDC would be a good initial setting, then when on the road, adjusting the advance/retard lever will establish the setting where the engine runs sweetest.


Thanks for the replies i have checked through inspection hole
And found pick up ring facing front cylinder with valves closed on
That cylinder with the points seem to be at the 3 oclock position which is opposite
As stated above i beleive does this need turning to correct spot or can front plug lead go to the
Rear cyl etc and rear to front as i have seen before
Regards LBHILL


Hi Eddie,

What position is the advance/retard lever set for your initial 35 degrees?




If your points are opening at 3 o'clock when the mag is firing on the front cylinder, it would pay to check that you have the correctly handed points and cam ring. As you look at the points and rotate them in the normal direction, the actual point should lead the point pivot (i.e. so that the heel of the points that contacts the cam is trailing the pivot). If you have the wrong rotation points plate, the spark will occur almost 180 degrees out of position - but far enough away from the point of maximum flux to result in a poor spark that may be getting quenched when subjected to the engine's compression. If you have the correct points, check you have the correct cam ring by turning the mag until the leading edge of the brass segment just lines up with the HT pickup. With the mag in this position, the points should be at the point of opening - if not, the cam ring is probably the wrong hand. All this of course has to be done with the advance/retard in the fully advanced position.
  If a mag has been built out of spares, it is very easy to end up with a mis-match of parts - the points, the cam ring and the slip ring all need to time up correctly within the armature itself, before the unit is fitted and timed to the engine.

         The 35 degrees I quoted is the fully advanced figure - that could be with the control wire either slack or tight depending on which side of the cam ring it operates. The normal set up is slack wire advance as this gives the engine an easier time in the event of having to get home should the wire break.



Hello all
Thanks for info on starting the EW ,I believe I have sorted the
timing issues out.Between the ignition timing & valve timing
being incorrect following all the info provided it seems the engine
wants to fire and wants to idle but I seem to have a fueling problem.
The carby seems to flood very easy,resulting in too much fuel.
When I am kicking it over it seems to want to run but not enough fuel
present it seems,have adjusted jet on side of carb but no effect.

Regards LBHILL