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Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

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Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
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cant start my bike

Started by javito86, 25 Feb 2013 at 21:44

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Hi guys, i wonder if someone could help me with my new problem.

Few days ago I was riding my MK3, suddenly i stopped the engine, but few moments later i tried to start my bike, but the kickstart wont move, had to push the bike to my house.
These days I'm tyring to understand whats wrong with my bike, but have no clue, i dismantled the engine from the gear box, the gear box works perfectly.
And i opened the front cover from the engine, and checked the timing engines, if i move the engine drive with a wrench and its moves fine, but when i assemble the engine box and the gear box, cant make it work.

i try to kick start but the lever wont move.
If i adjust the clutch really strong, the lever moves, but not in the same way as usual.

Can anyone give me a hand?

If needed i have pictures of the engine, thanks!


David Lawrence

Hi Javito,
I think the first thing to check is the magneto, in the past I have known several engines to be running perfectly and then seize exactly as you describe.
What happens, the shellac in the windings of the magneto melts, while the engine is running its ok, but as soon as it cools the shellac goes solid with the result that the
motor will not turn, Try undoing the two bolts and pulling the magneto back out of mesh, if this does not free the engine it is simple to slide the magneto back without disturbing the ignition timing If you are careful!! :lol: It always amazes me that the magneto can be so tight that the engine will not force it round!
Was the weather particularly hot the day you had the problem? Not that it is always the case, a friend of mine had it happen to his Mk5 on the Isle of Man and it is rarely hot there!!
I suspect that when you adjusted the clutch the kickstart moved because the clutch was slipping which is why it felt different.
Good luck, hopefully it is the magneto, this is relatively easy to fix by getting the armature rewound, hopefully rather more cheaply in Argentina than here in the UK


thanks dave! tomorrow i will take the magneto and will make that fix, lets hope that that could help me, i know a place where to rewound it, and see what happens, i will let u know how this goes on, really, thanks thanks, i really aprreciatte your comments


hi! its me again, i pulled the magneto out i dont know if its fine or not, but i assumed that if the magneto was out the kickstart should be working fine, but it didnt, i tried to kick but lever is still stuck

and now, since i can see the timing gears i suppose that they are supposed to move when i kick the lever, but they wont move.

Now i dont know if i have to make a repair on the magneto or the problem is somewhere else, anyone a clue?


           When you found you could not push the kickstart lever down, was the kickstart returning to it's normal position? I have known the kickstart key to shear and allow the internal mechanism to move around until it hits the internal stop (preventing further movement). Another problem I had was that the kickstart gear split and rode up on the key, jamming it against the mating gear. To check whether it is the kick start, make sure the lever is in the fully raised position (bringing it out of engagement), remove the spark plugs, put the bike in top gear and gently rock bike back and forward. If the engine turns freely, the problem is in the kickstart mechanism - this can be accessed through the final drive aperture. If it is just the key that has sheared, you will probably find you can move the bike in one direction only - the direction in which the kickstart ratchet operates. If you dismantle the kickstart  mechanism, you will have to 'retime' it to get it to operate correctly, otherwise the ratchet will stay permanently engaged!
   Good Luck!

Alan Cun

Sounds like the crank has twisted out of true. That will seize the motor ??????????????


David Lawrence

Hi again,
No if you have removed the mag and the problem still exists there is no problem with the mag.
I think Eddie is probably on the right track and you will need to delve into that! A simple check is to remove the gearbox from the engine, it is easy enough with the plugs out to then turn the crankshaft by rotating the flywheel. That would prove if the problem is the crankshaft or in the gearbox. I feel that you will find Eddie "as usual" is in the right area!!


thanks guys for the advises.

Few days ago i removed the entire engine from the frame.

first i checked the gearbox, i pushed the kickstart lever and it moved perfectly and returned to normal position, switched gears up and down and also worked perfectly, as i pushed the kickstart lever the drive from clutch turned without problems.

AS for the engine box, i took the timing gears cover, and i turned clockwise direction the engine drive, and it moved, i could hear the crankshaft moving, also the cylinders where compresing and moving.
but when i did this, i couldnt turn the engine drive all equal, it had a moment when it moved easily and another when itws was harder to move, maybe that means something.

when i tight the clutch from the left side of the engine i get to a point when the kickstart lever can be pushed but not as it should move.

here some pics of my dismantled engine, maybe u can use em to show other guys, there are pictures of the side of the gear box, and from the engine, hope u like this pictures.

later today i will move the bike back and forward, but i think that timing gears wont move as i can see them from the space that the magdyno left open, i can see the gear, will let u know later how this keeps goin,

i really want to thanks to you guys, its awesome the way you can answer things that fast and help me,, im really happy that i found this place,


i have dismantled my engine, as far as im seeing, looks like the ball bearings from the crankshaft is broken, it doesnt spin normally and it makes a little noise when i push it, i have to find a way to fix this bearings, to check if thats the problem, will post some pics of the engine, thanks


anyone can help me? i dismantled the engine, i found that the ball bearing from the engine isnt working as it should, if i spin it, it only take half spin, could that be my problem with the engine? this week im gettin a new SKF 4206 Ball bearing with steel cage to replace, but i dont know how to remove the original, can anyone help me? thanks!

here some pics, plz help, i would really like to assemble my bike again, thanks!


Hi I have added a photo of the type of puller you need.


           You will probably have to use the alternative legs in the cutaways at the sides of the rear crank web as there is not much room behind the bearing. Before applying any load, put a strap around the legs to prevent them spreading apart. These rear main bearings are often a tight fit on the shaft and take quite a bit of persuasion to start them moving.