Douglas - For Sale Items

Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

Douglas - Wanted Items

Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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Hello everybody !!

Started by tomdouglas, 26 Feb 2012 at 14:19

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my name is Tom Douglas, and i am pretty new here ....

I´m in the age of 52 and live in the south of germany, near lake constance.

In my garage an old "Douglas 2 3/4 HP is sleeping.
I have no data about this vehicle.

Can anyone help to identify?
The frame number is 514634, the engine number is 53191.
There is an imprint on the motor:  "Douglas 2 3/4 H.P. W.D./22
It has 2 gears but no clutch....(i have no idea, how to start this bike???)

Are there some data sheets available?
Sorry for my bad english....

With the best regards!

David Lawrence

Dear Tom,
I am replying on behalf of the London Douglas Club machine registrar. The London Douglas Club does keep and publish a register of all the Douglas machines we can track down, (hopefully awakening them from their sleep!!)
I think from your posting you may have 1 digit wrong on the frame number. The machine is a model 2 3/4 WD of of 1922.
Our register shows this bike with frame number 54634, the numbers are often not clear. Non of these machines had frame numbers with 6 digits. The engine number we have is 53199 which is again one number different from what you posted. This could of course be an error in our records. I am sure that your bike is the one on our register, its listed as 1922 WD and numbers so similar cannot be a coincidence. We could be sure if you check the gearbox number we have G6/970, these numbers are quite dificult to read on the gearbox casing.
Our registrar is a Mr Len Boydell who would be only too pleased to receive information on a bike that has returned to the fold!
He can be contacted by email on  we are very happy to get information to non Club members, the more machines on which we have up to date information improves  the quality and usefulness off the register. Of course we would happily welcome you into the Club the "London" part of which is purely historical, members now spread the world over. We also have a spares section making parts for the 2 3/4 machines.
Good luck with the machine, I am certain you will get good and useful information through this forum. They make beautiful bikes to ride, they cruise happily, are easy to start and run very smoothly.


Thanks a lot Dave !!

I will check the gearbox and give you the information soon.

Are some technical sheets available for this "1922 WD"?
I try to get an approval as a "historic vehicle" here in germany.
So I have to bring these informations....

With kind regards

David Lawrence

Hi Tom,
I am pleased to hear to hear that you intend to get the 1922 on the road, One of the services supplied by the Douglas Club registrar is to issue validation (identification) certificates for the "authorities". In UK we are registered with our tax office called the DVLA (among other things!!) We often issue these certificates for European Douglas owners and they seem to be accepted by your  authorities for the purpose of "historic vehicles".
This service is available to all Douglas owners even if they are not Douglas Club members, we do make a small charge to cover the costs, again for this you need to contact our registrar. He will need proof of the numbers either as photo's or "brass rubbings" made by putting a thin piece of paper over the number holding it tight and rubbing a soft pencil across the number.
Good luck


Thanks Dave!

I will send the photos to the registrar within this week.

I hope to bring the Douglas on the road in this summer at the latest....
Beside the papers there is also some restoration-work to be done.

Kind regards!


...95% ready...
I hope to bring the bike on the road this spring!


Larger view


Which kind of fuel can I use for the bike?
A normal "unleaded fuel" or are special additives required?

I have no technical documentation for the bike.....

Kind regards and thanks in advance!


Hi Tom
I also have a WD (War department  ???) 1922 G/B # CG40081, Engine #52118, Frame #55158  . To start first prime carby,set throttle levers at about half, put in first gear, pull in decompression lever and paddle along  with feet to an fast walk or more, ease lever out and you are away , to change too top use lever again!!  Dead easy just don't panic, remember the brakes are limited but the thrill will get the blood pumping?? When you get it going you will have to work out the positions of the AIR to THROTTLE  by the sound of the motor . Best of luck  Geoff

tom hoek

hello Tom
I always add this to the petrol
it is a 4 stroke Terrot motorcycle
and a peugot  4 stroke motorcycle bi 1930

it do not burn the valves and remain properly

Greetings Tom hoek