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Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
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2024-06-07, 03:13:36


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Inverted Levers

Started by macka, 17 Sep 2007 at 13:24

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Hi everyone,

Im thinking about producing a few sets of inverted levers and putting them on the website. I just want to see how many of you guys would be interested. The more I have cast the cheeper they will be. They can be turned down to suit 1" or 7/8" bars. I have made a few sets before and they turned out great. The process I use is quite interesting.
I have access to a Thermojet 3D wax printer that creates 3D parts (in wax) directly from a Computer model. Many parts can then be conected to a wax tree. The assembled wax tree is then dipped in a ceramic liqud that slowly builds up to about a 6mm thich shell all over. Once dry, the the entire tree is placed upside down in a furnace removing the wax. Then the empty shell is turned upright and molten steel is poured into the cavity.
If I get enough interest I will work out a price but Im hoping they will be under $80.00 for a complete set (un-plated), depending on casting costs.

I will post a photo of a set I made in the next few days for you to have a look at.


Daren W Australia

Hi buy them from Barry Hartnell in Wangaratta p#0357221457
too many dougli not enough time!

Alan Cun

Yes Macka, put me down for at least 4 sets no one else can do them for that price. One other thing I would like you to look at producing is the disc brake shoe for S 1 if we can find something to copy from. Al


Hi Everyone,

I attached a photo of the levers I made. I had them polished and Nickel plated.
Just after an idea of how many people may be interested.

Thanks, Glenn.




HI, I would like a pair if you are willing to post to the uk. Many thanks. Colin. ccew350
Quote from: macka on 17 Sep 2007 at 13:24
Hi everyone,

Im thinking about producing a few sets of inverted levers and putting them on the website. I just want to see how many of you guys would be interested. The more I have cast the cheeper they will be. They can be turned down to suit 1" or 7/8" bars. I have made a few sets before and they turned out great. The process I use is quite interesting.
I have access to a Thermojet 3D wax printer that creates 3D parts (in wax) directly from a Computer model. Many parts can then be conected to a wax tree. The assembled wax tree is then dipped in a ceramic liqud that slowly builds up to about a 6mm thich shell all over. Once dry, the the entire tree is placed upside down in a furnace removing the wax. Then the empty shell is turned upright and molten steel is poured into the cavity.
If I get enough interest I will work out a price but Im hoping they will be under $80.00 for a complete set (un-plated), depending on casting costs.

I will post a photo of a set I made in the next few days for you to have a look at.



Alan Cunningham sent in this additional photo.


I have used the ones mentioned earlier from Barry. They are significantly more expensive than the $ being mentioned for the levers here - are in stainless steel though.


This is a replica of the Bowden inverted levers modeled from several originals, as used by Douglas during the latter 2-3/4hp and EW era, up to about 1930 when the big twins got a new pattern with a folded sheet metal base and a cast brass lever. The EW ones were all steel, nickel plated. They continued to use this style on the smaller twins into the early thirties I believe, to exhaust stocks. Shown with the very rare spun brass bullet tip cap, one of the first items to get lost/discarded!

Notice a slight difference to the base (no projection beyond the pivot ears), and where the cable trunnion sits in the blade, to that shown earlier in this thread. Depends how much of a purist you are.

I had figured on making a batch of these too, as I have several Dougie projects needing the same. I was going to carve them from solid; if only because I have a CNC milling machine, but no foundry. Not the most material efficient way, but you work with what you got. However there are so many other projects ahead of it, I have no idea when I would be able to get to it. So if someone else wants to do an authentic copy, have at it I say.


[upgrade images. -Doug 19sep07]


This looks like a great opportunity to get a set of hard to find bits.  Put me down for a set for my 1926 EW.  Thanks, Mike in California.

Alan Cun

Again Doug does us proud with his pics, As Macka is new to Douglas I am sure your pics will help him if he wants to modify to suit. regards Al PS Disc Brake remarks removed to a separate subject.

Dirt Track

G'day all
Congratulations......this is what a forum like this is all about.


We have a couple of projects that need levers, so I am interested. It's probably worth looking into getting the end caps made also - I would think that lots of people would want these.


More pictures of an original, in the rust, as it were!

By the way, I do have an engineering drawing of the endcap if anyone wants to try their hand at metal spinning.



Looks like there is plenty of interest, I should have a firm price next week. Im getting a quote casting them in gunmetal, its an alloy of copper, tin, and some zinc. Very strong but still easy to pollish and plate and a lot cheeper than stainless.
Also, Doug if you can send me the 3D cad model in IGES or STL format I can get a price on casting some original Douglas levers.

Thanks everyone, Macka


Screen shot of CAD model.



Hi Macka,
Please add me to your list of interested parties. I would like a set to suit my SW5, assuming they are correct for this?
Colin UK
Quote from: macka on 17 Sep 2007 at 13:24
Hi everyone,

I'm thinking about producing a few sets of inverted levers and putting them on the website. I just want to see how many of you guys would be interested. The more I have cast the cheeper they will be. They can be turned down to suit 1" or 7/8" bars. I have made a few sets before and they turned out great. The process I use is quite interesting.
I have access to a Thermojet 3D wax printer that creates 3D parts (in wax) directly from a Computer model. Many parts can then be conected to a wax tree. The assembled wax tree is then dipped in a ceramic liqud that slowly builds up to about a 6mm thich shell all over. Once dry, the the entire tree is placed upside down in a furnace removing the wax. Then the empty shell is turned upright and molten steel is poured into the cavity.
If I get enough interest I will work out a price but Im hoping they will be under $80.00 for a complete set (un-plated), depending on casting costs.

I will post a photo of a set I made in the next few days for you to have a look at.


Michael Scott

I am interested in a set for my 1936 S6 rebuild

Cambridge , England

Michael Scott


Hello Everyone, having recently become a member and 'catching up' so to speak on the various posts etc., I noted there had been some discussion about inverted levers and thought I would dip my toe in the water with my own contribution.

I make copies of the type 435 Bowden inverted lever from investment cast 316 grade stainless steel. Any of you who are VMCC members may have seen my ad in the small trade section, although I hasten to add I'm not a dealer. But they are available 'off the shelf' if anybody is interested.
I have two sizes available, nominally 5.1/4" and 6.1/2" and supply them polished complete with pivot bolts/nuts, cable stop and cable nipples. At £105 per pair plus postage they are not the cheapest around but I have tried to produce a good quality product. The hubs are left as cast (where they fit into the bars) so that they can be machined to suit individual handlebar i/d sizes.

Now before you all get too excited, I must point out that these are not copies of the Douglas manufactured levers or the somewhat similar type 437 Bowden item, but they are one of the makes/types fitted to a variety of machines between about 1920 and 1935. Our central scrutiniser (global administrator DK) has already warned me that if I fit a pair of my levers to the OW1 I am working on, he intends to penalise me concours points!

But seriously guys (and ladies), if you're stuck for a pair of levers to get the bike on the road (which is what it's all about) and you can live with the slight lack of originality, they are readily available. I will post a photograph as soon as I can work it all out etc,.

Cheers Alan



So did anything ever happend with these levers?

Alan Cun

Haven't seen Macka on the forum for some time. However I do know that a change of employment may not give him access to the equipment he was to use for the production of the levers.??????????    Alan


does anybody know a source for inverted levers?


As mentioned earlier in this thread you can get them from barry at the Vintage Motorcycle Swap Shop in Wangarratta. They are good quality in stainless steel - I used them on my OC. No exactly cheap but not unaffordable either !! He advertises them in the Just Bikes mag.


Does the Vintage Motorcycle Swap Shop have a e-mail address I cant seem to find one?

Daren W Australia

Hi Barry is a little old for email Just phone him on 0357221457 Daren
too many dougli not enough time!


Hi there,

Has anyone heard from Macka regarding the levers?

If not im willing to pick up the ball and see what can be done. Here in my local town the engineering departments in the university like these sort of projects for the students which could be one avenue or another is getting some sand casted (cheaper then cast tooling) and I know of some Chinese companies that can do that.

All I would need are the cad files to start with, oh and they would have to fit my 1930 G31:)


Best regards
1930 Douglas G31


Good afternoon. My name is Denis. I'm from Ukraine. I saw this topic and decided to show you which handles clutches and brakes I do in the workshop. It handles copy of Russian M-72 motorcycle. I do aluminum, bronze, copper, brass. They are universal. They can be installed on any motorcycle, even with hydraulic brakes. If you do not know how I can show you how to do it.  I'm waiting for your feedback on my email Excuse me for my bad english. :oops:



the very nice levers

tried to use email address 
does not work


In my opinion address should be without dot "." on the end

Best regards Artur


good afternoon. Similarly, I incorrectly wrote an e-mail. There's an extra point. That's right I also use skype VanHelsing404
So I took the process of creating such handles