Douglas - For Sale Items

Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

Douglas - Wanted Items

Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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Sixty MPH plus on a 2 and 3/4

Started by Alan Cun, 18 May 2007 at 07:31

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Alan Cun

Hello All    It was around 1983 or 84 I had now been playing Douglas since 1972.   Surplus bikes had been moved on spares were accumulating from swaps etc and I was well known around Brisbane.   Anyway another local club member came knocking and told me that he had aquired a TS with a 3 speed box and he would like to make it perform good enough to (his words) knock off Paul Reed ,who by the way was riding a big port AJS at the time.   Within a short space of time the mods started happening.  I had about 10 spare TS cranks and he took them home and returned a day later, all cracked he said. His first mod was to modify rods and pistons from Briggs and Stratton motors but the desired affect was still not there.        It was at this time I was using pistons from Victor Motor Mowers (VC 160) in my B29  and the odd crank was lying discarded on the floor.   I suggested that maybe a centre web could be made up and with an extra pin and rod a 3 peice shaft would be a very efficient unit.  I still think there was smoke coming off the soles of his shoes when he left my place.    Within a week I think but no longer than a fortnight. The new shaft was fitted the bike was outside my door and a test ride was offered.  He followed me on my TS and we hit the streets of North Brisbane.    If you have ever ridden a TS the first thing you notice when you ride up a hill under load it feels like the cranshaft is running in sand and the crankcase halves are rubbing against each other.   That motor pulled as smooth as silk.    Many mods followed  the primary chain was replaced by a belt.  New cam gear posts were made up with eccentric bases and nitride hardened to adjust backlash.  The magneto was lowered to adjust gear backlash. The magy cams were re-profiled to prevent point bounce. Not sure what he did to the valve cams.    A zoom zoom type exhaust was fitted.  And a cable operated disc brake was fitted to the front wheel.   A set of tyres were worn out within 4 months.  I remember passing him returning  from the Gatton swap to Brisbane sitting on about 45 mph.   His name Brian Stacey.   The bike has since changed hands twice and is now in Mackay.  I have done this mod to the crank in 2 of my bikes and have some pics of bits and pieces and a built up shaft I wasnt happy with.   Lots of accuracy required.  I welded in the pins on mine as I considered it a throw away if it didnt work.       regards Al          Pics and more to follow

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Hi Alan,I'm amazed at the amount of spares you have for different bikes it seems you may be holding the complete Australian stock I shall have watch the obituaries.


Alan Cun

Hello Bazza    Yes wish I had a good supply of good spare parts .   In the past the way I operated was for a restorer to take home my complete supply of a particular item and to bring gack what they didnt use.   The quality of a lot of the items I now own require a lot of work to use.   For instance very worn cam gears,  Cylinders with lots of missing fins and damaged threads. Mismatched crankcases. Cranks with damaged flywheel tapers  and threads destroyed.     Just a small example        regards Al


Quotable Quote - "640 k should be enough for anybody"! - Bill Gates - 1981.

Alan Cun

Thanks Alwyn the pics are fine    I was a visitor at a Vet/Vint meet today and will clarify some of my previous text.  I was at the Banyo swap the day Brian passed the Doug complete with bike carrying minature horse float to Ray Gauld (Indian)  for his son Andrew from Mackay. Ray told me today the Doug only went to WA for a rally and still remains in Mackay.   He assures me that one day he followed the bike from Mackay to Sarina in his car and it was cruising on 95 k with more left in the tank.  The bike still has the Briggs pistons.  The cams were modified with basically a fairly wide standard profile but a considerable amount removed from the base circle to gain more lift.    My pics show just basic parts The victor shaft size is same as Doug only needs ends changing. Considerable thinning is required to balance webs.   Also shown are 3 pistons standard Doug  Victa and Honda 750 all of which I have used.    I have also cut the rod from the Doug base and grafted (welded) victa rods onto.  Rough maybe but cant be any worse than originals. You dont have to be Einstein to work out that twice 160 is 320 but with 60 thou over might be about 330 cc  Brian decided he could live with the lack of CCs and he was right.    As for Paul   I d-o-n-t think so, never told him either. regards Al           PS The Doug Mods complete Brian then swapped a 600 Panther for a circa 1930 Morris Minor OHC Roadster He then returned to my underhouse with a large billet which he then converted into his own design of crankshaft. Many mods then followed and it along with the minature horse float trailer, bike enclosed ,attended weekend rallies. Doug owner Bob Barlow now owns the Morrie.   Credit must also go to Ivan Tighe at Bryant Engineering for creating the Doug cams and Morrie cam, and final finishing of the Morrie Crank.   Al     

Alan Cun

Further to the above:-  Met a friend at the Nambour swap last weekend who often sees Brian and has asked me to print this account so he can pass on to Brian. Gee I am going to be in trouble if I have told too many lies. This weekend I head to the Rockhampton swap and Andrew Gauld is on the adjourning site to me. Andrew who had the bike after Brian will also get a copy and I believe is building another with similar specifications. Also await his comments and will pass on.    regards Al

Alan Cun

Yes all, Andrew agreed with all the above and also said that after some fine tuning he was followed by an AJS with a fairly accurate Chronometric speedo, and be laying very flat on the tank he achieved just short of 70 mph but that was it. Also Andrew is fairly tall and no lightweight.  regards Al