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Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

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Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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Italian T35 owner needs some advice

Started by Dave, 12 Dec 2005 at 08:56

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I received this email yesterday from Mauro Cecchetto requesting some assistance with his newly acquired T35.

good morning I or acquired one motorcycle douglass 350 with number of chassis t35s2 and number of motor t35s633 .
not knowing of that model draft and of that year I cannot order them to pieces dib reciprocation that serves to me
thanks cecchetto mauro italy

However, I didn't understand this part...

Quote...not knowing of that model draft and of that year I cannot order them to pieces dib reciprocation that serves to me

So I wrote back and asked if he could send it in Italian thinking a machine translation might help. This morning, he replied

Quotebuongiorno, gmi scuso per il mio cattivo o acquistato una moto douglas 350 con numero di telaio t35s2   e numero di motore  t35s6633,vorrei sapere di che modello si tratta a di che anno e la moto,e di che colore bisogna vernicarla perche sia originale. copsi quando conosco diu che modello e posso ordinarle dei pezzi di ricambio.. grazie per il suo interesamento. cecchetto mauro  castelfranco veneto   italy

Which Google translates as...

Quotebuongiorno, I make excuses myself for my English bad one.  I or acquired a motion douglas 350 with number of chassis t35s2 and number of motor t35s6633, would want to know of that model draft to of that year and the motion, and of that color must vernicarla perche is original copsi when I know diu that model and I can order them of pieces of reciprocation. thanks for its interesamento. cecchetto mauro castelfranco Veneto italy

Can anyone shed any light on what's needed here or read a little Italian perhaps? 



a photo of bike would help
sounds like there is a problem with the stamping on the bike
correct me if i am wrong but didnt t35 start at t35s110
and sounds like a mk3 motor


So perhaps this is a model identification question and "order them of pieces of reciprocation" refers to orderiing parts for the motor?

I'll ask if he has a photo available.


'Draft' may refer to 'drawing' etc,  can anyone send him a parts book?  I think that would solve everything.




Hi Mauro,
I think what you have there is a 1948 MkI T35 - if you wish to return it to it's original state there are are a number of obvious deficiencies apparent from your photos:

  • A cast aluminium alloy cover over the drive sprocket is missing.
  • The centre stand is missing and has been replaced with a prop stand.
  • The twin exhaust boxes are not standard - a cast aluminium alloy woffle box mounted beneath the gearbox was standard on these bikes.
  • The induction pipes to the carburettors which appear to terminate at the tool-box suggests the tool-box has been utilised as an air-cleaner - this has been a modification - T35's were originally delivered without air-cleaners, although my original T35 had enlarged venturi with mesh screens fitted to the carburettors.
  • The carburettor that is visable does not appear to be an original type.
  • The speedometer is missing.
  • The T35 was fitted with an almost flat but horizontally curved handle-bar, not a sporty one as existing now.
  • The rear light of the T35 was combined with a numberplate mounted low on the trailing end of the rear mudguard.
  • The battery box is missing.

There may be other less obvious deficiencies.

The factory colours of the T35's were black and blue with chromium plated wheels and part chromium plated petrol tank. See the photo of my T35 below which I believe replicates very closely the original colours and livery - I will add some close-up photos of the various aspects referred to in the list above as soon as possible so that you can make comparisons with your machine.

No doubt the engine will need a general overhaul - when you have determined what parts are needed, advertisements can be placed in the Parts Wanted section of this forum - additionally our members will be happy to assist with advice about where you may be able to obtain various parts and technical information is always available here.

Keep watching the forum for additional photographs and other members' comments.

Global Mod.

Edit - 16/12/05 - photos added relative to the dot points in the list above...

Firstly, a recent picture of my T35.

Larger view here

...and a view showing the curved handle-bar and speedometer, etc., from above.

Larger view here

A side view of the tank showing the standard livery and signwriting.

Larger view here

A detail picture showing the cover protecting the main drive sprocket, the centre stand, the exhaust 'woffle box' and the battery box. Also shows the standard Amal carburettor (types 274-AJ/AK-4A) which has a different profile to that of Mauro's bike?

Larger view here

A closer view of the cover protecting the main drive sprocket.

Larger view here

The rear numberplate and tail-light assembly.

Larger view here

The chromium plated wheel rims - note the black painted band and white lining centered about the spokes - sorry about the road grime!

Larger view here
Quotable Quote - "640 k should be enough for anybody"! - Bill Gates - 1981.


Well I do not know, the yellow is very eye-catching!  And someone went to the trouble to keep the silver 'swoosh' design on the petrol tank. 

While I am sure it is not the case here, not all Douglases left the factory in 'catalog' colors.  They did do a batch of machines to South America in Post Office Red!  But I think bright yellow would have been too adventurous for them! 


Daren W Australia

Hi We had Red and British racing green ones sold new in Australia
too many dougli not enough time!


well a mk 1 it is if it wasnt yellow i dont mind the look of the bike
u need mk 1 parts only for this engine no mk 3 parts will fit from the barrells up
the valves are different sizes the pushrods are thinner the barrells and heads are different
even the rocker gear is a different (i wonder how many people are running mk1 rocker gear on there mk3 as the base is the same)
pistons are different u need the dome type mk 3 has flat type
i would suggest the normal thing is to join London Douglas Motorcycle Club as they will have a bit of the stuff u require and the rest maybe photograph what u need so we can make sure u are getting what u want


Well, the bike is now owned by me and located in Slovenija.
I am very satisfied.