Douglas - For Sale Items

Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

Douglas - Wanted Items

Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2025-01-07, 19:16:39
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Click the 'Log in' button in the main menu, then use the 'Forgot your password?' function to create a new one.

The new password will be sent to your email address. If your email address has changed since your last login, that method won't work as the email will go to the old address in your profile.
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2024-06-11, 21:02:05
Have you tried the new Drafts feature yet? I just lost a long message today and learned my lesson. It is a good idea to save a draft of any long post you are writing. You can then just keep writing and keep saving a draft, knowing you have a backup if there is a glitch. The draft is automatically deleted when you post the message.


2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


2024-05-28, 01:09:46
Welcome to the new site!
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 - Quick Tour of the Front Page
 - Quick Tour of the new Attachments
Learn all about attaching photos in the User Guide. Any problems with anything please Contact us     Faulty links fixed - 01June2024

Understanding Inserted Attachments

Understanding Inserted Attachments

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What's the difference between an Inserted attachment and an un-Inserted attachment? Find out what happens when attachments are inserted into the text of your message.


5 min 33 secs



Today we're going to have a look at exactly what are inserted attachments.

They can be a bit confusing when we first encounter them, so hopefully we'll clear that up.

Start New Message and Attach Images

So here I've started a message, a new topic, I've entered a subject line, I've written six paragraphs or six lines of text, and it's attachment time.

So let's just attach some files in the normal way.

So I'll go down here to the attachment bar, single left click, I'll select these three - one, two, three - open them up, they load up.

OK, now at this point, if I save the message, those files will be attached.

I'll do that.

So there they are, we have our six lines of text, this faint grey line signifying that's the end of the message, and then at the end we have our three attachments, one, two, three.

Insert the Attachments

Now if I go down to the More button here and click on Modify, we open up our message again, and let's say I want to insert the images amongst the text.

So I go up here to the end of line two, put the cursor there, hit Enter, say three times to create a bit of space, put the cursor in the middle, hover over the blue arrow here on the particular image, and we see Insert come up.

So single left click on that, gives us an option to enter dimensions. We'll just leave those blank and it'll insert the photo at the default size.

So I click Insert and we see this line of BB code appear.

View Changes Depending on WYSIWYG Editor

Now if you have your WYSIWYG editor toggled on, this is the WYSIWYG button up here, so I'll single left click on that, then we see the image displayed as it will appear.

So there's our first two lines of text, the image, and our last four lines of text.

So we'll turn it off again because it gives us a good view of what's going on.

Bulletin Board Code Displays the Image

Now what's happened here is the insertion process has just put in this line of code - it's just a line of Bulletin Board code, BB code.

That consists of two tags, an opening tag and a closing tag, each of them between square brackets.

This one just says, to attach this attachment number, blah, with this file name, and then that's the end of the attaching command.

Insert another Attachment

Now I'll do another one, so we go down to the next one, we'll put the cursor there, go down to the second image, Insert, and there it is.

Now we'll save this and have a look at it.

End Result

So we've got two inserted images, 1, 2, 13 and 14 are inserted, and 15 isn't.

So here's our two lines of text, here's our image, and now if we hover over it we see Douglas number 13 comes up.

We've got two more lines of text, and we hover over this image, Douglas number 14 comes up, then two more lines of text, the grey line signifying the end of our post, and then the one remaining file that was unattached is displayed at the bottom as normal.

Expanding the Posting Window

So I'll go back in so we can summarize it.

Now if you want more room you can pull this down, and if you really want a lot of room you can click on this, and you'll get a full screen display and you can toggle on your WYSIWYG, see your images, see the text, you can edit it here, but you can't post from this window, you see the posting controls aren't there, it's just an expanded editing window.

So we'll bring that down and we'll toggle the WYSIWYG off.

Inserting Is Just a Display Option

The three attachments are all attached, that's essential for the process.

And then, as an add-on option, we've inserted these first two, 1, 2.

Now we can take them out just the same as we put them in there, Ctrl-X to cut, Ctrl-X to cut, save them, and they're gone.

Previewing Inserted Images

Oh, there's one thing I forgot to show you, that's the Preview. So we'll just go back in, Modify, we've probably got one on the clipboard still, so we'll just paste that back there.

Now if I Preview, we've got one inserted image and two uninserted.

If I preview, the inserted image displays and the uninserted images don't.

So that's another difference between inserted and uninserted images.

So on its own, that's quite a good feature.


So there you have it, I hope that's clarified things a little bit.

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