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How to add more attachments after first posting your message.
2 min 46 secs
Now we'll have a look at how we add more attachments to an existing message.
So here's our existing message, we've written some text and we've posted one image, we've inserted it actually, and we have some more text below.
Perhaps for some reason we didn't have all the files available at the time so we want to come back later and add some more.
So we go down here to the More button and we hover over that and that brings up this little drop down menu and we single left click on Modify.
That opens up the Modify window.
Now this person has his WYSIWYG editor toggled on so he's seeing the preview of the inserted attachment.
We go down here to the Attachment Bar and the cursor changes from a pointer to a hand telling us we can click on there so we click on there.
Now the selection window opens up.
Okay, let's say we want to add this one and another one, say this one.
Now I'm holding down the Control key with my left hand and then I single left click on that and that enables me to select the two that I want.
Then I click on Open, those two files load up.
They're in the attachment window.
Now perhaps I want to insert one and just have the other one on the bottom so we'll do the insertion and we scroll down in the message window.
Let's drag this down a bit to give us a bit more room.
We'll go down here, create a bit of room underneath and we'll insert this one.
So I hover over the blue arrow and I see a little tag come up saying Insert, single left click on the blue arrow.
We can ignore the width and height and that will insert it at the default dimensions.
So I just click Insert and that's been inserted.
So this one will now appear below the message.
So I'll save the message.
So we have our first attachment which was already there.
Now we have our added on inserted message and then we have the grey line signifying the end of the text window and then we have our third attachment appearing at the bottom.
So that's how we add attachments to our posts.
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