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How to re-arrange the order that attachments are displayed in your messages.
4 min 37 secs
Let's have a look at how we can rearrange the order of attachments.
So here we have a post and we've added one, two, three attachments.
But perhaps I really wanted this one, perhaps this sequence of attachments demonstrates a series of events and I want this last one in the middle, in between these two.
So how do we do that?
Let's go down to the bottom, hover over the More button, single left click on Modify, a posting window comes up.
So we want to put this one in between these two.
Now unfortunately we can't just drag it and drop it in the middle, that would be very nice but we can't do that.
So what we need to do is to delete this one and then save the message, no we don't need to save the message, we can just add the next one on now.
So we'll go back and which one was it, I think it was this one, I think it was that one.
There it is.
So now we have things in the correct order and then we save the message and we've rearranged them in the correct order.
We'll just scroll down and have a look, we've got that one, then that one and finally the one that we moved to the end.
Now what if our rearranging task is a bit more challenging than that?
So here we have 8 attachments and perhaps we want to have this wide shot at the beginning and then perhaps we want to go to here and then to here and perhaps then to here.
The best thing to do is delete the whole lot and then re-add them in the order that you want.
Now here we have a more slightly complicated arrangement again. This person has 4 inserted attachments and 4 uninserted attachments.
So we have 1, 2, 3, 4, those 4 are inserted so you can see there's text and then an image.
Now here's the grey line signifying the end of the message, so these last 4 are just tacked on the end uninserted attachments.
So again we do the same thing, we go down to the bottom, hover over the More button, the Modify button comes up, single left click on that, opens up the posting window and this person has his WSYIWYG editor toggled on and if we toggle it off we see the code, if we toggle it on again we see the preview.
Now the safest thing to do in this situation rather than perhaps editing the code which you can do, you can cut out lines and paste them in new locations but you can get in a mess following that route.
The safest thing to do is just delete them all and re-insert them where you want them.
So let's just demonstrate a cut and paste option, so let's just note we've got this gearbox number 5 and then we've got number 7, let's say we want to reverse those, so triple left click on there, I do a CTRL X to cut that out, put a bit of space and I paste it down there (CTRL V).
Then I triple left click on this one, CTRL X, close up the gap, bring it up the top, make a bit of space and paste it (CTRL V).
So now I've reversed the order 7 and 5, we had 5 and 7, now we've got 7 and 5, let's see how we went, we'll save that.
So here we have 7 and 5, hover over it, see the 5, hover over it, we see the 7.
So that's how you can reverse that, if you're comfortable doing that, it works.
So that's the lowdown on rearranging attachments.
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