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Please note - 500 character current limit
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You are welcome to add as many attachments as you wish. However there is a technical limit on the number of posts that may be attached to a single post. This video shows us what happens when we try to attach more files than the current limit to a single post and how to get around this limit.
2 min 25 secs
Today we're going to have a look at what happens when we exceed the quantity limit for attaching images to one post.
The current limit is set to 10, that may be increased in the future, but we'll try 10 for a while and see how it goes.
So we have a new topic opened here and we have a subject line and some text entered in.
So we'll go down here to the attachment bar and single left click there and we'll choose our attachments.
Now we'll choose the whole lot, there's 12 here, so we're going to go over the limit right away.
And it started loading up the first 10 but on the 11th it says, 'Sorry you aren't allowed to post any more attachments'.
So we'll just let those load up, I'll pause the video.
So the first 10 have loaded up now and the 11th isn't going to load.
So let's close that.
Now let's say that we particularly wanted the 11th and the 12th image here.
Well there's a couple of things we can do.
If we want to keep the first 10, we can just go ahead and post these and then immediately make a second post and add on 11 and 12.
Or perhaps we can thin these out a bit.
So let's get rid of that one and say this one.
So now we're back down to 8.
We'll select open the attachment bar again.
We'll select 11 and 12, we'll open those, they load up.
So now we're back to our limit of 10 again.
And now we can go ahead and post.
There they are, all loaded up.
But if you do have more than 10 images to post it's no problem, just click on reply and add on another 10, as many as you like.
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