Douglas - For Sale Items

Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

Douglas - Wanted Items

Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


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Australian Douglas Rally - 2012

Started by Ian, 26 Apr 2012 at 06:51

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For those who are not aware, the South Australian contingent (Doug Hill, John Humberstone and Rien Gerritsen) is organising the 4th Australian Douglas rally this year. It is being held in Victor Harbor, South Australia from the 24th-28th September. It would be great to see as many Douglas's out as possible - we don't often get a chance to ride together.

As far as I am aware the organisers already have quite a few entries including some well known Douglas identities from overseas. I will post a copy of the entry form shortly so those who have not seen it can get a copy.

The venue looks fantastic. Victor Harbor is where Alwyn Hunt lived. He was one of the organising team for the Centenary Rally in Australia. I am sure he would have been very excited to know that the Douglas fraternity was coming to his part of Australia.


Here is a copy of the entry form

2012 Australian Douglas Rally Entry Form




Only two sleeps to go and we are off to the rally with five bikes in tow  :mrgreen:


Another Australian Douglas Rally has now been successfully completed in Victor Harbor, South Australia. I am sitting here the morning after with heavy rain outside so we were very lucky with the weather - three perfect days !! We had a bit over 30 bikes in attendance with entrants from SA, Victoria, NSW, ACT, Queensland and Tasmania as well as the UK and USA

First days run went to Clayton Bay and the National Trust Museum at Strathalbyn with a total distance of 132 km. A few minor machine issues as usual on the first day. Fantastic vintage motorcycling roads. Our LDMCC chairman (Chris) decided to follow one of the locals after lunch - unfortunately they took a wrong turn and ended up in the middle of nowhere with a gearbox sprocket falling of the gearbox (my TS on loan  :oops:). Eventually turned up back at the camp in the back of a fruit shop van.

The second day we visited a car and bike museum for morning tea and then on to Goolwa wharf for lunch where we were able to look over a historic paddle steamer and had a talk on the history of the place. Some members on the faster bikes were seen hanging out in local coffee shops ! Total distance 86kms

Most people I talked to thought the last day was one of their best ever vintage motorcycling days. Beautiful weather, great scenery and fantastic roads - quite challenging in places for the 2 3/4hp machines but all made it. We had a vew stops including at a lookout for a dam where we could see the various machines working hard up the hill from the dam wall. Morning tea was at Inman Valley and lunch at Myponga.

Overall a great rally and very well organised by the local team. Everyone is looking forward to the next rally which will be in 2014. However, we are yet to have someone put their hands up to run the next one - urgently looking for volunteers !

Dirt Track

G'day Ian and all.
What about Tassie?
I am sure either the VMCC of Tas or the British M/C Club of Tas will be happy to organise or even a joint venture.


Howard, Tassie would be great - we talked with Graeme - he is tied up at the moment with the house, etc and was thinking with his available time it would be better to do the following one - but if people are keen I think it would be a great venue.


Howard, I'm with Ian on this one. Tassie would be great if we can perhaps canvas the group for expressions of interest. Some may baulk at the cost with the ferry involved. Certainly worth considering. Thanks for the interest.
Peter Davey

Dirt Track

G'day all
I was up at Graeme's yesterday and forgot to mention it and have a talk about the posibility.
I am sure either club down here would be quite Ok with the idea, I am on the committee of the 2013 "Tour of Tassie" Rally being organised by the British M/C Club of Tas and we have had so many rallies down here it is a relative piece of cake.
Will report back after a club meeting as to wether it is a goer and of course the entrants will need to say their piece on the subject.
All the best.


Sounds good Howard. I will be on the Tour of Tassie so will get to have a chat.
Peter Davey