Douglas - For Sale Items

Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

Douglas - Wanted Items

Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2025-01-07, 19:16:39
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2024-06-11, 21:02:05
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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
For Sale
Duncan has just listed his green and cream 1957 Dragonfly for sale with spares and documents.


2024-06-02, 09:34:05
Parts avalable
alistair still has parts available - barrels, carburettor, castings - see all listings.


2024-06-01, 19:33:27


2024-05-28, 01:09:46
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Kingaroy Rally

Started by Alan Cun, 20 Sep 2018 at 09:38

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Alan Cun

Hello All, The 2018 Doug Rally at Kingaroy is over. I took 2x29 models B29 and E29. Time ran out to get the B29 working correctly  so I persisted with the E29 with all starts with a push.  I also took some items of interest one of which was a crankshaft assembly made up of motor mower shafts I have built 2 of these in a veteran and my 1/2 size dougs. So watch out for some very fast TS in the future. Another item of interest was my 10 motor which will soon be mounted in a 28 inch pushie frame. I dont know why but somehow when returning it to our bus the two green original plugs which were loose fell out or maybe some low life stole them. Anyway next time tighten with a spaniad and coat with moly black grease.
My congratulations to the long distance organisers who performed a most successful rally. Sorry I will be too old and decrepid to attend the Vic rally in 2020.

regards Alan


Anyone got any photos to post ? It was most disappointing to miss a Douglas rally for the first time.

Alan Cun

Hello Ian, I didnt take any pics but there is a memory stick available from one of the rally persons for $10. I guess a lot of the interstate members are still returning home. One outstanding part of the rally was the amount of basically as found bikes that had been ridden in the event. One entrant had the makings of a  350 EW  which he didnt have intention of making a goer but when I suggested using a 2 stroke cable operated oil pump some time ago which he hid behind a dino cover. Went like a beauty.
regards Alan

Doug Frost

G/day Would like to give the Rally a good mention in The New Conrod, also room for photos but space under attack from other stuff.
ten days to go before next printing so any input on this gratefully appreciated.   Regards  Doug Frost.


Sorry I missed the Rally as well. Would like to read a review of the event by the organisers and some photos as well. Will plan my holidays better in future.