Douglas - For Sale Items

Douglas 1913 Model P motorcycle

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Douglas 1915 3 Spd-Gearbox and Clutch

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2024-06-08, 19:30:04
For Sale
xman has two very nice 1950's machines available - a green 1950 mk4 and black 1951 mk5 - both in good condition and running well.


2024-06-07, 03:13:36


2024-06-03, 09:23:05
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2024-06-02, 09:34:05
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Venue and volunteers for next Australian Douglas Rally

Started by Ian, 08 Oct 2012 at 02:33

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Now that the 2012 rally is over we need to urgently confirm where the 2014 rally will be held and who will run it. We have now had four successful rallies - it would be a pity for it to stop at that !

So far we have done NSW, ACT, Victoria and SA. It would be great to go to one of the other states for the next one - particularly Queensland or Tasmania.

Please remember that there is no Australian Douglas club - all rallies so far have been done by volunteers linking in with a local club. However, those who have run previous rallies are always willing to help as required. Since the first rally, left over funds have been passed on to the next organiser as seed funding so finances shouldn't be an issue.

Please either post ideas here or feel free to PM me if you want more information before committing !!


Just a reminder that we are now a quarter of the way to the next rally time - and noone has put up their hands to run it.

It shouldn't be so hard to get volunteers - we all enjoy the rallies - but most seem to think that elusive person "Someone Else" will run it.

Yes, its a fair bit of work - by hey what isn't !!


It would be great to see the next rally in Queensland and maybe the Wide Bay-Burnett Area might be considered as a suitable location.
It has great roads for old bikes and perhaps the rally could have a dual purpose of assisting club members in this area who may have been affected by the recent flood event?
AlanC might also be willing to allow the rally participants to view his fantastic collection of Douglas Motorcycles and other collectibles.

Just an idea and although I am not in a position to organise such an event, I would be more than willing to assist the organiser.



Brett, I am sure if someone would volunteer it would be a fantastic place to hold a rally. I was up in Gympie late last year purchasing another toy - lovely area

Alan Cun

Hello all,

Yes my collection of Dougs and other treasure is available for all Doug owners and others to visit. At the moment the past 5 years have not been kind to me with the loss of my first wife and fitting my newer wife to my environment. Therfore the Dougs and rallying events have been pushed aside.

However with members with Dougs at Bundaberg, Gympie, Gin Gin and with the Fraser Coast and Maleny Swaps coming up in March I will try and see what the feelings for the rally are at these events.

regards Alan


Hi Alan,Remember me?although I don't own a Dougie any more still in love with them.I now live in North East Tasmania near Scottsdale,Tassie is an ideal place for a rally beautiful green countryside lots of oldie worldie things to see and of course great hospitality.So if you need a volunteer I'd be happy to help. Regards Barry Brears ex Batemans Bay NSW.

Alan Cun

Hello Barry,

Our local swap at Fraser Coast was washed out, but at the Maleny swap a couple of weeks ago I brought up the subject with some Doug owners and the general reply was most members were too distant from each other. In the coming weeks there will be a visiting bike group who hope to pass 2x30 pers group per day to my collectables over 4 days also a visiting motor home group are staying over in our town.

So at this stage I cant see any thoughts towards a nat rally at this stage.



Just back from the National Veteran Motorcycle Rally at Parkes (in "western" NSW). Several delicious Douglases attended. Even though I'm a dedicated veteran enthusiast, it wasn't half as much fun as the 2012 Douglas Rally at Victor Harbor in South Australia!

It would be great to have a 2014 Douglas event somewhere in Australia. Regardless of where it is held, I'm happy to help out if I can - for example handling entries, publicity or whatever - if someone wants to organise the event itself. There are "easy" options in SA - locations where we've held other types of old bike rallies and know the roads and accommodation well - perhaps you have one of these locations in your state?



Leon, the veteran rally was great fun - and where else could you see three 3.5hp Douglas and a 1911 atmospheric inlet one on the one rally - except at a Douglas one !!

I hope someone does put their hand up. Having run one already I feel its someone elses turn. I will be in Cooma this weekend on the Girder Fork Rally - last year I had a brief discussion with the club there and they were "interested" but we would need someone to volunteer to be the organiser - you couldn't get a better place to run a rally. My 16 year old will be riding the TS this weekend on his Ls if he passes the theory test tomorrow morning ! Both you and Di have put hands up to help - and I of course would as well.


Would a rally in the Bendigo district three days prior to (or after) the 2014 Bendigo Swap Meet be of interest to anyone? The swap is on the weekend of the 15-16 November next year. November is perhaps not the ideal in terms of weather (can be a bit warm and changeable), but the idea of two-events-for-one might be appealing?



Folks, there is an option coming to light - I have been contacted by some guys from Bathurst who are organising celebrations around the first of a particular type of race (TT, GP, ? details TBC) in Australia which was held in Bathurst an won by a Douglas. They are interested in hosting a Douglas rally in the days leading up to the weekend of 8-9 November and then they will have a larger rally where on the Saturday the commemoration will be held - obviously with our Douglases attending. This sound like a good option but would like feedback. One of the guys owns two Douglases.


Yes please. I think the "two for one" deal is very attractive. (The first Australian Tourist Trophy was held in Goulburn in 1914 and was won by Harry Jenkins on an Indian!?)



I think it may be first GP - I am getting sent details and will post as soon as I can



Hi All,
Well I was wrong!. I think this is the event in question?? Reported in Sydney Morning Herald on 6th and 7th October 1914.

From 6th October

The Grand Prix Race of 140 miles, promoted by the New South Wales and Kookaburra clubs, under the auspices of the Auto-Cycle Association of New South Wales, was held yesterday morning over the Yetholme-Meadow Lee-Sunny Corner course. The result was -

E. Meller (2 3/4-h.p. Douglas), handicap 15m 30s, 1
D. McFarlane (5-h.p. Matchless), handicap 15m l5s, 2   
D. G. Barrett (3 1/2-h.p. Rudge), handicap 16m, 3   
J. A. Fair (6-h.p. Zenith), handicap l4m 30s, 4   
There were 24 starters. Meller won easily.


from 7th October


The official result of Monday's Grand Prix race of 140 miles over tho Sunny Corner-Meadow Lee-Yetholme course, announced yesterday by the Motor Cycle Club of New South Wales, makes some alteration iii the placing of the riders as originally announced. Norman Slnden (3 1/2 h.p.Zenith) moves Into third position, with J. Mellor (6 h.p. Matchless) fourth, D. Cullen (5 h,p. Matchless) fifth, and J. A. Fair (6 h.p. Zenith) sixth.
Of the 23 starters only nine finished, the majority being put out of the running by punctures. E. Meiler, the winner, established a non-stop run. Norman Sinden found it necessary in the fourth lap to remove his back wheel, but the delay only amounted to a few minutes. A broken belt robbed D. Cullen of high honours in the last lap, the repair being made more irksome owing to the belt fastener becoming disconnected and lost In the dust. Otherwise the race was without incident.
The course, which, despite a number of sharp turns, was in excellent order, measured, approximately, 15 1/2 miles, making a total of nine laps for the 14O miles. The starting and finishing point was at "Kirkconnell," a road junction 2 1/2 miles from Yetholme. The turn to the left was taken. The road rose gradually to Sunny Corner (6 miles), followed the dividing range, and then, at the eight-mile peg, fell towards Meadow Lee. There was a bad right-handed turn In the village which brought the riders Into the third side of the course, a fast stretch of 4 1/2 miles. The weather conditions were perfect, and the authorities of the district so taken with the sport and the appearance of 200 motor-cyclists in their midst, that the club Is assured of n hearty welcome next year. In fact, assurances were given of an improved road surface, tho dangers of the racing being largely contributed from this cause.
The following was the result:
E. Mellor (2 3/4 h.p. Douglas), handicap 15m 80s
ridiing time 3h 21m 48s         1
D. McFarland (5 h.p. Matchless), handicap JGm IBs,
i riding time 3h 32m 53s        2
Norman Slnden (3 1/2 h.p. Zenith), handicap 18m,
riding, time, all 4Sm 30s .... 3
J. Meller (6 h.p. Matchless), handicap l1m 30s,
riding time 3h 45m 42s .... 4
D. Cullen (5 h.p. Matchless), handicap l1m 45s,
riding time 3h 48m 15s . ..5
J. A. Fair (6 h.p. Zenith), handicap 14m 30s,
riding time 3h  51m 30s ..... 6
A. Robinson (3 1/2 h.p. Rover), handicap 15m
riding time 4h.....................7
The fastest laps were established by the following:-
P.W. Green (lap 1) ...20m 8s
J.F. Howarth (lap2) .....20m 10s
J. F. Howarth (lap 3) .. 20m 24s
The first prize was the Dunlop Plate, valued at £10 10s, with a £3 3s- open order, presented by the club, while the second and third men received £7 7s and £5 5s open orders respectively. There were also a large number
of special prizes.




Daren W Australia

Hi click this link to see sunny corner, Bathurst is just to the east
too many dougli not enough time!


Quote from: Hutch on 04 Nov 2013 at 07:05
Hi All,
Well I was wrong!. I think this is the event in question?? Reported in Sydney Morning Herald on 6th and 7th October 1914.

Yes - I just got the info from the Bathurst people today - matches the dates. Held from 3-5 October, 1914


Folks, are Leon and I the ONLY people who are interested in holding another Douglas Rally ?


I'm keen to attend.  Also can help out in some way (not a local)

Dirt Track

I am sure we could organise something here in Tassie! We (both the British M/C Club & The VMCC of T) would host a National Douglas Rally by all means.
Just in case anything else falls short.


Regarding the proposed Douglas rally, I will be attending a meeting to be held next thursday evening in Bathurst (14 November) at the Jack Duggans Irish pub at 5.30. It will held  to formulate a base plan for holding the rally in the district. I am keen to see three major motorcycle events in Bathurst in 2014, the first being the huge street event in King's Parade in early February, the second the annual Easter rally and then the dougie rally. I would be keen to see the rally held here in light of being able to have a run to the original site of the first Grand Prix. The idea that we could even reenact a start line with possibly stripped down machines and riders in period dress to celebrate the 100th year since this event was held. Participants may also be able to take part in a time trial on the original Vale road circuit plus some running on our famous Mt Panorama circuit.
Will keep you posted Frank.


Quote from: franky on 08 Nov 2013 at 07:11
Regarding the proposed Douglas rally, I will be attending a meeting to be held next thursday evening in Bathurst (14 November) at the Jack Duggans Irish pub at 5.30. It will held  to formulate a base plan for holding the rally in the district. I am keen to see three major motorcycle events in Bathurst in 2014, the first being the huge street event in King's Parade in early February, the second the annual Easter rally and then the dougie rally. I would be keen to see the rally held here in light of being able to have a run to the original site of the first Grand Prix. The idea that we could even reenact a start line with possibly stripped down machines and riders in period dress to celebrate the 100th year since this event was held. Participants may also be able to take part in a time trial on the original Vale road circuit plus some running on our famous Mt Panorama circuit.
Will keep you posted Frank.
Thanks Frank, if we can hold there I think the ideal per our discussion would be Douglas rally Wednesday to Friday then join in with the weekend rally you are planning


Our first meeting was held last thursday and we are meeting again this thursday to further discuss the rally. I need some feedback regarding the timing from rally enthusiasts who may consider attending next year. Personally I have never been to  a national dougie rally and would appreciate the comment. The past rallies have been held over three days on wednesday, thursday and friday. There is a special event planned for saturday at Kirconnel near Yetholme to mark the centenary at the race start site of the first Australian Grand. This one day event finishing with a dinner has been planned to include the wider community.
Should we leave the dates as wednesday, thursday, friday or go to thursday, friday and saturday.


Quote from: franky on 20 Nov 2013 at 01:40
Our first meeting was held last thursday and we are meeting again this thursday to further discuss the rally. I need some feedback regarding the timing from rally enthusiasts who may consider attending next year. Personally I have never been to  a national dougie rally and would appreciate the comment. The past rallies have been held over three days on wednesday, thursday and friday. There is a special event planned for saturday at Kirconnel near Yetholme to mark the centenary at the race start site of the first Australian Grand. This one day event finishing with a dinner has been planned to include the wider community.
Should we leave the dates as wednesday, thursday, friday or go to thursday, friday and saturday.

I like the idea of the Wed, Thurs, Friday as that way I can get back to Qld in time for work again on the Monday.
But I am open to the alternative too if the majority leans in that direction.


I am open as well - we need to be mindfull of the fact that people will be travelling fair distances to the Douglas rally and we need to make it worth their while. In the past we have had 4 days of the rally - so Wed-Fri plus the combined Saturday run would be good.
However it really needs to be whatever the Bathurst crowd can do. Once decided there are a few people who are willing to help the team - and there is also a significant float to be handed over from the last rally to kick things off.


We have just completed our second meeting regarding the Bathurst proposal for the 2014 Australian Douglas Rally.
The Bathurst committee has decided to commit formally to organise this event.
There is already provisional support from Bathurst and Lithgow City Councils for this which we propose will be a three - five day event. The event is timed for early November. Following the A.N.D rally there will be a further two day event to mark the 100th running of the first Australian Grand Prix. This will include a run and organised lunch at the starting site in the forest at Kirconnel and then access and rides on original sections of the track. The day will end with a formal dinner on the saturday night. The Sunday, another organised short run, will be another chance to enjoy our terrific region.
We believe we can run this great event in our region and are enthusiastically planning a great programme.
Please consider this and let us know your thoughts.
More to come Frank.


Sounds great. Hopefully more people can comment here


So the proposed dates are Wed-Fri 5-7 November 2014, with a larger rally on the weekend of 8-9 November; location Bathurst NSW.

In 2014 the Bendigo Swap Meet, which I travel interstate to attend, is on Sat-Sun 15-16 November. For me it would work better if the Douglas Rally was after the Bathurst Rally - Mon-Wed 10-12 November 2014 - but I'm prepared to go with the flow.

What do other people think?



Leon, I think the key to having it in Bathurst is that people then attend the Saturday event - more chance of that with it wed-fri !


Fine with me - is anyone else coming?

On the last rally, at Victor Harbor, I rode a (borrowed) 1914 2 3/4 h.p. Duggie, and had no trouble participating in and enjoying the runs which were only 100 or so km each day. Very relaxing and enjoyable. I hope Bathurst can provide the same sort of varied riding, in particular some hills and curves on quiet roads. Some nice riding, a range of Douglases from veterans to Marks and Dragonflies, and their friendly riders - what more could you ask for?



Cardan, You can count me in, this gives me 12 months to sort out the oiling, or lack of, on the the B 23 600. Wilf


Re the proposed rally, I bought a domain on Monday, and am building a site dedicated to promoting the Bathurst event. The site will contain the planned ideas for the rally and entry forms available for download as well as links for accommodation  and local features. I will inform you as to when that is running. As a starting point my friend Eric has posted info from past rallies he has attended and also information regarding other events he has been to.


Frank - for other Aust rallies we have set up a section on this forum - I am sure we could do as well for this one. Your website could be used for general info but I think communication and discussion should be here ?


Yes we have set up child boards for previous AU Dougie rallies by request. These provide a central and fixed point for dissemination of news, registration, and other info related to the event. A sub-area can even be provided with restricted access for the organizers to conduct the behind the scenes planning and business that a rally always requires. There was no need to go out an buy a domain name, but nice choice of domain name.

-Doug, Site Moderator


I have heard nothing further about progress on the rally - what help is needed, etc ? There are a number of people who have offered to help once details firm up


I'm building a Douglas just for the occasion! Time to lock in the dates and location.



Our team has met this evening and it is time to crank up.
Been radio silence for some time from our committee in Bathurst however we are good to go with the Rally in November. Meet and greet 11.00am wednesday, events planned for thursday, friday and a big day in the forest saturday to celebrate the centenary of the first Australian Grand Prix. There will be a mayoral reception planned to welcome riders and families to Bathurst and a special formal dinner on the saturday night with a keynote speaker. More info on the forum asap.
Entry forms with detailed list of events to follow late this month.


Excellent - so the dates are Wed-Fri 5-7 November 2014, with a larger rally on Sat 8 November?



Had a good chat with Frank last night - they are organising some interesting events - put the dates in your diary. Rally will be 5-8 November - with the 8th fitting in with a larger group of bikes - you should plan to attend all with the first day being mainly registration and an afternoon ride.


Regarding the rally,

I written to the Bathurst Regional Council Mayors PA - I am in a local committee organising the National Douglas rally to be held in Bathurst 5,6 and 7 November then followed on the weekend of 8-9 November 2014 by the centenary celebrations of the first Australian Grand Prix which was held at Kirconnel. The Grand prix was won by a 1914 belt drive Douglas. Our weekend event will be held onsite at the original start line on the edge of the forest and we have proposed period costumes and a gala event/ family day on the Saturday for rally attendees plus attractions/ entertainment for Bathurst families.
The two events created to complement each other will be supported by the Rotary club of Bathurst East, the Bathurst Historic car club plus the Panorama motorcycle club historic branch.
I am enquiring as to the possibility of having the Mayor of Bathurst conduct a mayoral reception to welcome riders and families. I would love it if this event could be held in the Bathurst Motor racing Museum perhaps on the Wednesday evening tentatively at 5.00pm.
To kick off the rally after a meet and greet an informal familiarisation ride to showcase the Bathurst highlights followed by a ride around Mount Panorama is planned for the Wednesday afternoon and synchronising this with the Mayor's welcome would be terrific.

She has replied-Many thanks for your email.

I will pass this onto the Mayor / General Manager and I will reply to you as soon as I can.

I hope to have a reply back to you early next week.

Kind regards

I will keep you informed.


Regarding the Rally we are completing the programme and corresponding with the local council and synchronising with our two main rally supporting bodies and fine tuning costings and financial handling. This rally will definitely go ahead as we are attempting to make all the planets align at the moment and promises to be a real treat. In the absence of an invitation to attend which will be forthcoming very soon if you are thinking of coming to Bathurst for this event please get in touch with the folks at the local caravan park where we hope to centre our activities.
This is where we hope to make our base camp for the rally as Jason, the park manager has offered us great facilities at no extra cost provided we book in. The Easter rally  run by the Vintage motorcycle club has used this facility for more than thirty years.
Please check their site or call Jason and Leanne Jarvis on the 1800 number below.

PHONE: 1800 669 911

More to come shortly,



Myself and Geoff from our committee met with the Mayor of Bathurst today to discuss a static display of the bikes in Kings Parade right in the centre of town and though there will be on going dialogue with council this seems possible. We would be really happy if we could do this as a public display with the riders present keen to share their experiences with anyone who comes to look.
The other topic discussed was the Mayoral reception to welcome delegates to Bathurst at the National Motor racing museum at Mount Panorama. This special event would feature a planned exhibition at the museum of memorabilia related to historic motorcycle racing in the region.
Off to our meeting now,